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Scent to Make You Happy


Sesame Oil makes 

Savory Happiness

Our mission is to help customers enjoy happy time
with their families by sharing healthy organic food.

Core Technology
특허받은 기술로
건강한 식품을 만듭니다.

참깨를 볶는 온도는

참기름의 양과 품질을 결정합니다.

보다 안전하고 건강한 오일을 만들기 위해

향유는 저온에서 원료를 로스팅하고 착유합니다.

Core Technology

We use the low-temperature roasting method and the temperature is lower than recommendation by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

HyangYou oil is cold-pressed 50 degrees Celsius, so it is safe and nutritious.


식약처에서 권고하는 220보다 낮은 

150도에서 원료를 로스팅해 안전합니다.


기름을 짜낼 때도 유럽의 생압착 기준인 50도

냉압착해 더욱 안전하고 영양이 풍부합니다.

Safe and hygienic production facilities

HACCP 인증 생산시설  
미국 FDA 등록 완료


ㅣ사업자등록번호 509-87-01297  ㅣ 통신판매업신고번호 제 2019-경남진주-0583 호 ㅣ 대표이사 허태영ㅣ주소 경남 진주시 문산읍 월아산로996번길 33, 제1동 ㅣ 

이메일 hyangyounh@gmail.comㅣ전화 055-747-7471ㅣ입금계좌 기업은행 174-147840-04-014 향유엔에이치 농업회사법인 유한회사

      Safe and hygienic production facilities

  HACCP · Vegan ·

  FDA Certified

  Through expansion and relocation to the current new  
  factory in 2022. We have built a HACCP certified    
  production facility. We have completed registration of 
  our production facility with the US FDA.
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Hyangyou has grown into a brand specialized in organic sesame oil and perilla oil 
by focusing on organic raw materials to create a ‘healthy table full of nutty happiness’.
Now we are planning to expand our business by finding raw materials 
whose value is not yet widely recognized and developing newly reinterpreted brands and products.
‘ODGO’, launched under the branding of Super Mulberry, is the beginning.


We produce sesame oil, perilla oil, raw sesame oil, raw perilla oil, and roasted sesame seeds 
made from the highest grade sesame seeds and perilla seeds, 
as well as grains such as rice, barley and freeze-dried mulberries.

We provide oil products of various capacities, 
from stick-type sesame oil suitable for camping or traveling to large-capacity sesame oil for businesses 
such as restaurants.


(유)향유엔에이치 ㅣ 사업자등록번호 509-87-01297  ㅣ 통신판매업신고번호 제 2019-경남진주-0583 호 ㅣ 대표이사 허태영ㅣ 

주소 경남 진주시 문산읍 월아산로996번길 33, 제1동 ㅣ 이메일 hyangyounh@gmail.comㅣ 전화 055-747-7471ㅣ입금계좌 기업은행 174-147840-04-014 향유엔에이치 농업회사법인 유한회사

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